NBN Co faces stiff competition from alternative providers in new housing jobs
The NBN Co is struggling to compete with commercial networks that are also building their own broadband networks
The Department of Communications has called for a review of its long standing Telecommunications in New Developments (TIND) policy which originally came into effect on March 2015. The Department has noted "Since the introduction of this policy, a lot has changed in the way telecommunications infrastructure is delivered in new developments. The National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout will also be completed in 2020." "In light of these changes, we are reviewing the TIND policy so it continues to provide people moving into new developments with access to timely telecommunications infrastructure." "A number of new carriers have entered the market to service new developments, some carriers servicing new developments have grown in terms of the areas they cover and the numbers of premises they service, and some carriers have also listed on the stock exchange" "Alternative networks appear to be attracting business through a range of strategies, including more flexible use of delivery technologies (including wireless for distribution and backhaul), and more flexible charging arrangements than those NBN Co can offer under the 2015 TIND policy" "In some instances, it appears that alternative carriers may provide developers with infrastructure for little or no upfront charge, recovering the costs over the life of the investment and/or through higher connection charges for premises, when a customer requires a connection " There are currently estimated to be around 400,000 premises currently serviced by alternative carriers. Despite the rapid growth of alternative carriers, they generally host a small number of retail service providers (RSP) on their networks, rasing concers for consumers with the type of technolodgy used, connection costs and limited choice of rsp to choose from. The department is seeking comments on the policy until January 17, 2020.Copyright © nbn-check.com.au All rights reserved
5 years ago