Can NBN Co deliver on FTTC promises
NBN Co is refusing to budge on the amount of resources it has allocated to its Fibre to the curb (FTTC) build
In first quarter numbers released on Tuesday, NBN Co has shown good construction numbers in all but its FTTC network. Only a paltry 54,107 premises were made ready to connect to FTTC in the entire previous quarter. In order to meet FY20 FTTC targets NBN Co would need to connect as many premises per month as it has achieved in 3 months. With just 9 months left to connect its planned 1.3 million premises to FTTC and the company refusing to increase its allocation of resouces, it is unclear how it plans to achieve this seemingly impossible feat. An NBN Co representative said "We remain on schedule for FTTC design and construction and our progress to date is reflective of the lead time associated with deploying deeper into the local network." "Our continued progress on FTTC deployment will be reflected in future ready to connect and activation metrics as we work to complete the volume network rollout by 30 June 2020." "We have adequate resources allocated and available to complete the volume network rollout across all technologies by 30 June 2020 – and do not foresee any need to reallocate resources from the deployment of other technologies in order to meet our target completion date."Copyright © nbn-check.com.au All rights reserved
5 years ago